How Do Counselors Treat ADD?
Attention deficit disorder can cause problems in your personal and professional life. Unfortunately, some people live with this condition for years without receiving a proper diagnosis. Until you're diagnosed, you may believe you're simply lazy or disorganized, when in reality you simply have ADD. Fortunately, there is help available for people who suffer from this condition. A counselor who specializes in treating patients with ADD can treat your condition in the following ways.
1. Encourage patients to check in with themselves.
ADD is characterized by inattention and an inability to concentrate, but that's only part of the problem. People with ADD can also hyperfocus, which means they can become absorbed in one task or activity to the exclusion of all else. Many patients find the state of hyperfocus helpful or even enjoyable, but it can lead to negative consequences if patients neglect their health. Counselors can help patients care for themselves by encouraging regular check-ins. By setting an alarm every hour, patients can remind themselves to eat, drink water, or relieve themselves. Proper self-care can improve each patient's health and overall mood.
2. Develop a list-making strategy.
To-do lists are very helpful, even for neurotypical people. People with ADD can benefit from making lists as well. However, a specific list-making strategy may need to be employed. Making a list isn't helpful if the patient then loses the list or neglects to check it again. Some people with ADD find day planners helpful, while others find them overwhelming. If you find yourself overwhelmed with a day planner, you may find a whiteboard mounted in a prominent location is the best solution. A counselor will help you try various techniques for organizing your daily tasks. With a little assistance, you can come up with a system that works for you. Many ADD patients find they are less stressed when using organizational systems.
3. Suggest environmental changes.
When people hear the word "environment," they often think of rainforests and untamed outdoor spaces. However, your environment encompasses everywhere you spend your days. Your home and office are part of your daily environment. When managing ADD, it's important to tailor your surroundings to serve you. For instance, if you always drop your clothes in a pile, you can clean up the mess by placing a hamper there. Make it easy to make good choices. A counselor can suggest other ADD-friendly modifications you can make to your home and workplace.
If you're looking for ADD help, contact a counselor.